Age Verification

We take our responsibility as a retailer of vaping products and electronic cigarettes very seriously.

As a responsible retailer, we verify the age of all of our customers. This ensures that we are retailer age-appropriate products and are complying with legislative requirements.

In order to purchase vaping, electronic cigarette or associated products from our website, you must be 18 years or over.

We hope you understand that we are legally obligated to check the date of birth of all customers, and thank you in advance for providing us with this information.

In certain circumstances our electronic age verification system will be unable to confirm your age from the details that you have provided. In these instances, we may ask for further information to help us verify your age.

Age verification takes place only once on our system. Once a successful age verification has been completed, this detail will remain on your account.

If you have any questions about age verification and our policy as a responsible retailer, please contact a member of the team who will be happy to help.

In particular, it is important to note that:

  • A search will be carried out with Experian for the purposes of verifying your identity
  • Experian may check the details you supply against any particulars on any database (public or otherwise) to which Experian have access in order to verify your identity.
  • Experian will retain a record of the search.